Monday, October 26, 2009

Pokemon Emerald Easy Shiny Starter

Evo-JACKO a comic book of Luke and Mary Scornaienchi Checchia

Urban Art Project

Etnik & Mary

Preview "Theatre of Silence"
visited from 10 July to 20 September 2010

the exhibition Black or White? (open from April 22 to May 8), irreverent tribute to Michael Jackson edited by Luca Scornaienchi, the TRIP Via Martucci will host an evening devoted entirely to comics in continuity with Comics Contest organized by local historian Roman Circle of Artists. It starts with a concert of the Group of Naples Foja Dario Sansone to continue with DJ sets. All enriched by drawing sessions, live painting and projections.
These artists in the exhibition: Caktus and Mary, David Vecchione, Nicoz Balboa, Zelda Bomba, Maicol & Mirco, Alberto Corradi, Massimo Giacon, Bruno Brindisi, Giancarlo Caracuzzo, Luke Raymond, Raul Cestaro, Marina Comandini, Francesca Follini Manuel De Carli, Bruno Troise, Martina Troise.

Maria, water color on paper


Mary, Rome 2009

Mary, Rome 2009

Caktus, Rome 2009

Introduction Vincenzo Mollica

A tribute to Michael Jackson with illustrations unpublished

Bruno Brindisi, Giancarlo
Caracuzzo , Marina Comandini , Luca Raimondo

Grifo Edizioni

Preview October 31, 2009, at 16.00,

stand Grifo Edizioni


Headquarters: Via Guglielmo Marconi, 7-80028 Lump
Nevano ( Na )

Head office: Via Silvio
Pellico , 40-06061 - Castiglione del Lago ( Pg )

Phone / fax: 0039 075 9653413 - 0039 333 2824404 = index.php

Travel Notes
Vincent "Caktus" Mastroiorio

September 8, 17.15

A thought is entangled between the hot capelli.La wake of the aircraft engine launches us a greeting from the heart of Poland. Last summer
fragments cling to the next destination and we are back in flight, on the road again.
In this period there have walls to paint anywhere.
The arrival in Italy is expected in mid pomeriggio.Io, Maria Antonello and we spit away from Fiumicino Airport.
I slept a little 'and instead I'm here, ready to greet the hinge Apennine us welcome in Abruzzo.
reactivated phones Antonello and I recognize the number of Alberto MADE among the many missed calls.
Non c’è tempo da perdere.Alberto è veneto e, da quelle parti la precisione è un fatto che conta.
Bisogna essere sempre rapidi ed efficaci con loro. Non puoi sbagliare mai, altrimenti ti ricordano che sei il solito meridionale, pigro e inefficiente.
MADE cercava Maria, per conto di Luca Scornaienchi. Una staffetta telefonica li rapisce alla sosta in autogrill.
Luca ha scritto una sceneggiatura per un fumetto su Michael Jackson, vorrebbe che Maria ne realizzasse i disegni.

9 Settembre, ore 01.50

Poco fa abbiamo letto la sceneggiatura di Luca.Il Computer di Antonello resta acceso e gli illumina il volto in una dimensione spettrale.
E' notte ormai da un pezzo e butto head on the pillow.
I can sleep.
Turn off the brain.

September 9, at 15:47

less than two days have passed since the last rientro.L 'mental apnea takes possession of us.
A state of floating thoughts. A mixture of excitement and fatigue.
And here we are intent to fix ideas and luggage for the trip to Antwerp.
Meals begin to affect our mood.
But the satisfaction will not last long in Belgium will hear the absence again.
After lunch, Mary has carefully re-read the script of Luke. Maria
the story about Michael Jackson liked it. He decided to draw it.
It 's a history a bit 'weird, but very sweet.
are a few pages. Luke says of writing it in two hours in the summer.
While he was in the mountains of Sila home of Serena. Each goes his own way

September 9. Hours 21:49

The attic of Antonello has become our point of arrival and the cockpit of our shipments in North Europa.Ancora luggage packing and unpacking. For each airport
excessive weight. The relief is an issue that we prefer not to deal with. Maria
select clothes. Divides them into good and bad.
I make room in my suitcase to bring the peaceful, but the excitement remains. Maria is very nervous.
delivery of comics should be administered with a dropper.
will need an appropriate photographic support before going to draw.
few hours ago I called Tommy and Pio. Their reliability assures us.
forwards the script with an email and make themselves available to make shots.

September 10, 10:18 am

We are preparing for takeoff.
Maria and I in our reading we help eachother.
Our only breakfast: bread and Fante, Bukowsky and milk. Accompanied by a book on patience.
Here is the correct diet to feed our feelings.

September 12, at 21:39

"It's my birthday."
E 'slipped on the third day of the festival in Antwerp.
Now I can collect the remains of my day in the silence of the hotel. The foreign landscape that surrounds us, it reminds me of Jacko. The anxiety it rolls up into a few days.
must find a way to recover time.
The city has lots of potential models for Mary.
A child of color with the appearance of a young Michael Jackson in the Jackson five times.
I could find it here without too many problems, but to paint the wall is too challenging and significant departure jeopardize the final result. And for all of us the wall is a sacred thing.
will necessario rimandare al nostro ritorno in Puglia per risolvere la questione.
Ancora pochi giorni.

17 Settembre, ore 15.32

Appena recuperate le forze dalle ultime missioni e devo rimettermi in viaggio per partecipare ad un altro festival di Graffiti a Pontedera. Maria questa volta resta a casa. C'è un modello da trovare e un fumetto da consegnare.
Abbiamo già mobilitato amici e conoscenti per indirizzarci verso centri d'accoglienza per gli immigrati.
Un bambino che possa fare al caso nostro, a Foggia, possiamo trovarlo solo lì.
Speriamo bene.

21 Settembre, ore 23.10

La ricerca si conclude in modo inaspettato. Monica, nostra trusted friend and compatriot, contact a couple of my knowledge he did for us.
Kevin, their son was nine years old, amber skin and a thick head of hair-style street beat.
fall like manna from heaven.
immediately organize a photo shoot in the living room where the mother of the little Kevin, hair weaves its customers.
The call for participation is extended to several friends who will make their cameo for the various pictures with passers-by. Tommy
closely following the plans dictated by the script and Luca Maria position with all players on the set like a game of chess.
All ends in two hours.
In late evening we have over one hundred shots with a wide range of features and details.

September 24, at 20:50

The drafting table is crowded with Mary's watercolors, brushes, erasers, pencil sharpeners, coffee cups and pictures of Kevin.
Your computer is colonized by pictures and video of vintage Michael Jackson.Spero that this story will end soon. E 'must return to the overbearing presence of Tom Waits and Leonard Cohen.

October 9, at 23:50

In the afternoon Mary made their first stop since the beginning of work on a few hours to lighten Jacko.Giusto dentro.E 'past and visit Ananda, an irreplaceable friend who has brought new energy to the final sprint of Maria.Domani closes.

October 10, 02:30 hours

Maria has completed the work. Tomorrow I'll be
Pio and collect the last bit of energy to take pictures of all the illustrations.
a couple of weeks we will again pack. JACKO
will be presented to the public in the next edition of Lucca Comics.
17 plates in 17 days.
Just to dispel any superstition dictates.

NDR Caktus & Mary are a couple of the best known internationally in the field of Spray Art always live and work insieme.Questa time we divided them.


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