Thursday, February 18, 2010

Husband Of His Wife Breastfeeding

Sore TV

(da Giudizio Universale , versione web)
Il nuovo Recital di Corrado Guzzanti non fa altro che riproporre alcuni dei suoi piĆ¹ fortunati personaggi televisivi
di Igor Vazzaz

Nel panorama comico italiano, nebulosa affollata e da tempo in crisi, la costellazione della famiglia Guzzanti rappresenta un unicum significativo. Non stiamo ironizzando sul capofamiglia Paolo , umorista volontario e non, ma sulla sua prole e in particolare sul miglior fico di tal bigoncio, Corrado . Al contrario della brava Sabrina , il cui livore often harmful, he shines fantasy, interpretative power and remarkable paradox of his characterizations. Pure
his satire is, however, bears an aura of consciousness on the duties of every self-respecting author: Put everything and everyone, himself included. Required, therefore, see his new Recital : long Corrado, large animal television missing from the stage. I remember one show, more than ten years ago, although acclaimed "sick of television," and it is this question that we wait for the new job.

is improper to talk about theater tout court: the tour runs mostly in big arenas and the big screen in the background of barren stage is very justified. It starts with a pveoccupato Tremonti, whose redundant Evve fly ripping laughter most of the excellent camouflage ability, physical and vocal, people appreciate the writing, the naturalness with which the artist steals the soul of the characters, translating it into sound, word and deed their intimate nature.
At his side, the younger sister Catherine and trust Marco Mazzocca : second lead with a pair of numbers each. She is an unlikely cretinissima and Miss Italy, automatic Pavlovian indoctrination, and an irresistible Gelmini Calabria Po fintasi for conveniences of career Mazzocca father is Federico, mistreated by Guzzanti presenter, version Case Scafroglia . Numerous audio and video with the real scene turns a sequence of interpretations famous: Bertinotti, vulva Rieducational Channel, Don Pizarro until the Messiah of that. Guzzanti's strength is, again, the comic unmasking : it reveals the religious atheist, cynical and ruthless, the economist admits his stupidity, up to a formidable theory pseudobertinottiana left and viral particle through divisions to replicate indefinitely .

level play is, however, find the flaws inevitable in a Time: Recital is a mere sampling approach lacking in television drama. People are satisfied, but it gets "only" that which asks, commercially correct, fatal in aesthetic terms.
Art should astonish, not to confirm, especially if close to the political, which Guzzanti is no exception: as doing so may effect the consolation, sin mor (t) ale unforgivable. To save all the genuine satirical figure of Conrad, bravo, moreover, to avoid falls populist.
Faced with so much skill, but it is only right to expect more: a reason, an urgency to justify shelling out money to see that which is already attended. Art is not inability, maybe some laziness, but we (and you) save ungenerous speculation out of reach.
The finish of the show lights off, the screen Guzzanti, dressed as Gianfranco Funari, tells an improbable afterlife. Portentous interpretation: the audience follows the character's breath, his breaks on time. The atmosphere is suspended, crystallized: it seems a direct. It is also a paradox that the most magical, most theatrical of all the show has obtained a video: able to capture such a pace, providing of course the reactions of a real audience is unusual demonstration of mastery on stage. This does not forgive an outsider like Conrad: the undoubted quality does not completely put to good use.
At school we would say: good but could do more.

Viewed in Livorno, PalaAlgida, November 9, 2009

Recital, directed by and starring Corrado Guzzanti
with Marco Mazzocca and Caterina Guzzanti

Rating: sun under an umbrella

Soon :
26/11, Bolzano; 27-28/11, Padova, 30/11, Naples, 1 / 12, Bari, 2 / 12, Pescara, 4 / 12, Fossano (CN) 6 / 12, La Spezia; 8 / 12, Sanremo (IM), 9-10/12, Torino, 11/12, Cremona, 12/12, Parma 14/12; Latina 15-20/12; Rome for Other dates:
All in the Family: Paul, Class '40, journalist and politician in unpredictable locations, the aforementioned sisters Sabrina and Catherine; Elio but also the great-uncle, doctor, teacher, former minister and now Commissioner ad acta for the Health of Lazio Region
Best Corradi more of imitations, always impressive, the characters created from scratch, as Rokko Smitherson, DJ Max a radio left Livore Gianni, a little repeated Roberto Baggio, the unforgettable Lorenzo
Movies / DVD: Fascists on Mars, the 2006 film, inspired by the miniseries internal Case Scafroglia and a masterpiece of historical fantarevisionismo


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