Friday, December 3, 2010

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's last words Saviano had not digested their own!
The ball bounced in mind as a crazed pinball: the felt everywhere, even the "saw" on the facades of the houses in the town in the far north, where he had fled after the "political exile" (as he calls it) decreed from the top of the Neapolitan government.
Especially on the faces of people who, knowing its origins (which is not hidden thanks to its South Tyrolean un'accento not!) did not fail to represent pitying and hypocritical "condolences" to front for yet another injury that Naples was experiencing but, thanks to Saviano, finally had a clear explanation. "Of course you can not live in a city with a racket" was the consideration that he felt the mainstream. "All those wastes ... who are these people that the Camorra distrugogno your and their land ?"... they asked. "Maybe it would take you down the dictatorship in order to eliminate the Camorra "is pushing some" crude interventionist "more fearful of a great tragedy that he did not understand that a convinced supporter of anti-democratic solution.
comments, fortunately, lasted just the space of the "day after", even though repeated weekly e. .. always the same. ... Or maybe not?
fact were changed only after the curse that "Saviano father" was launched against the North, guilty of having spilled their toxic waste materials in the South (thus perpetuating the exploitation of the century-old south!), But later the "just punishment divine descent of the underworld of the South in the management of business opulent North.
He hastened to explain to the tavern that traditional commentators "Saviano father" was intended simply to support "joint pain halved" and not return (in the opposite direction to that of the League) recriminations, accusations motivated secessionist or worse with the intent to recall the need for collective redress to the south. Agreed with his interlocutors that this time the sermon had failed all wrong, but maybe it was time that the North did their effort to look beyond the parables of the father, and strives to reveal the reality of the hidden costs veil of legend.
And here, the game was pretty easy to see in concretely how the Camorra. His interlocutors, moreover, belonged to those people voted particularly the work ethic and proper functioning of public affairs and private.
was so easy for him, an expert in public administration, to do with concrete examples large and small events of one's life (hospital, building permit, business license, identity card, and so on to more complex things such as contracts, zoning, etc.) as the inability and / or fraudulent political and / or the public official united in "brotherhood" with the commercilista, or lawyer, or notary, or union, or contractor with the o. .. magistrate or the policeman on duty, he could create the "spaces" for the intrusion of underworld characters.
He told them what he thought was the episode as "humanly instructive for understanding the real Naples.
Location: Hospital in downtown Naples. Fact: a powerful political notable citizen and son of a people in need of surgery. The two had nothing in common except the fact that He knew them both and had seen with their own experiences in hospital. In the case of the notable surgery had taken place without the waiting list, confined to a single room, the preliminary examination made in times and procedures determined by the patient (and thus in a day hospital "custom"). In the second case occurred with the surgical waiting list for six months, with previous hospitalization for 10 days in hospital for tests and prelimiari "show ...". The number of doctors and nurses at the bedside of the notable (during the week of hospitalization) was matched only by the lack of doctors and nurses at the bedside of the other sick during the entire period (2 weeks) of stay in hospital. Visits: no limit to the notable, only two hours a day and at certain times for the other sick. Cost: nothing for the remarkable, nearly 8,000 euro to the common people.
However, asked his partners, if you, as common people, you had the chance to receive the same care through the use of a remarkable character, "influential" (not obviously political, because it is not part of your "circle" of friends), but "other" would you do? The obvious answer in the affirmative, he replied, so here is the Camorra was born!. The Camorra, he concluded, was born in situations of high inequality in economic, social and cultural universe and especially in the presence of strong democratic imbalances in social systems characterized by high resource scarcity. He had an origin quite different to that of political patronage: in fact it also had its raison d'ĂȘtre of the imbalances that exist within an area characterized, we must never forget, from a number of scarce resources.
Other than the tale of "bone, and mastrosso carcagnosso"!
It 's like, for example, concluded-and-a chef who has 5 kg of pasta and has to feed 100 people. What do 100 people to eat, since there is not for everyone? They have two options: either try to befriend the cook to have a preference (political patronage) or one of them is to threaten the cook (using force) and brings with him a part of the hungry that he will be forever linked not by conviction but fear and / or need.
True? Likely? Convincing? At least ... interesting! ... Thought, and left his audience in thoughtful silence, with a champagne toast to life and surly land that had welcomed him without asking too many questions about his life.

Despite this, the last words of Saviano just could not digest it!

mind you, not that Saviano probemi daughters he had not already created, both in the past (then the output of Gomorrah as described above) and in the present.
"The curse of the father" on the relationship between crime and the League had not been accepted by the tavern with his maximum of fair play, despite the political dominance was left. It had resulted
discussions and mystifying conspiracy (the rest were just the words of "father "!!!) type: considering that I'm left and I have nothing to do with the League but to accuse the League of be in cahoots with the Mafia seems to me absurd, and then from that pulpit ... just south who you talk with the Mafia we go hand in hand ...!
This time also he had some discomfort in dealing with the issue, and not because of lack of dialectical arguments for sizing the correct meaning of "expressions of Father Adrian [Celentano ...] Saviano" because what actually He also felt that something was wrong and was not only an attack on the League.
Perhaps, he thought, this was due to the fact that he was always better to know the people of the town where he was that, despite his left-wing political, strongly resented being located in the area a stronghold of the League. The cultural needs of the latter and especially the basic questions of which the League was still a response over the years, were also present in the social split that he attended
... Maybe ...
But he warned that there was also another.
He could not connect on the outside of the League of interventions Fini and Bersani and everything to knowledge that already had the people of the north-east as well as the knowledge, much deeper, that had the people of Naples. He felt that something connected the more ... but what?
remembered the feeling emotional first and intellectual, which had provoked the intervention of Fini and Bersani: loss!
not the loss of having lost something, but smarirmento sein lost somewhere, or not recognize the place and time where you are. The not knowing where you are going and where you come from above ... or worse the loss caused by the sudden awareness of being is always out of place and out of time.
E, although it is true, that the identity of an individual is given by belonging to a particular place and at a certain time-understood in its most comprenvisa also of individual and collective history-then, ultimately, the loss that felt was the loss of identity.
Naples, his city, its origins, had already refused costringedolo exile, now that it belonged to a story made up of ideological ideas, people, places and times seemed to vanish like a dream on waking.
was this reality? Bersani and that of Fini? O Fani and Bersini ... identity so evanescent to be confused with each other ...?
And the attack on the league as it was in this context? How do I add, also, the reactions of the "left-wing circle of the tavern? Or, as was part of Naples, with news of a new inescapable immersion in the waste? And especially the "silence" of Naples that he "felt deafening" to hundreds of kilometers away?

In all of this ... the last words of Saviano still could not digest it!



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