Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Sims 3 Lifetime Awards Cheat

Francesca & the rose

Francesca had a beautiful rose, her parents had they donated! She looked at her and loved her so much that for her near the plant in a pot that sat on the window, the flower began to grow and put roots, but over time it was evident that the his need for the outdoors growing up and said "francesca please do not make me dry! piantami take me into the garden and close to home, even if you can not see me at all hours we'll be together forever!" francesca but did not want to part with it, was too nice to have around, and certainly did not want to deny something, but the Rose said, "if I do not take away from the pot I muorirò!" And so Frank began to weep at the thought, because he knew what he had to do, but the separation from his beloved rose made her sick! days passed and the Rose stopped talking, but when Frank realized his act took the small pot and brought it in the garden, with the heat race and took the rose from her small house and planted with both soil and digging a deep hole!

Past that was one day Frank came back to find her little pink, but when he came to found the dried rose garden "I knew it! I had to leave it where it was! Now I will be alone forever alone!" and began to cry, but through my tears a little voice said, "Frank did you spend too much time and also when you decided you put too much dirt and dug a hole too deep, so great was your inexperience, and now I will not come muorirò no rose for you. "


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